Utah General Liability Insurance
Utah General Liability Insurance. Construction Insurance for any kind and type of project. Athena Insurance and Financial Services has been providing insurance services to the United States Construction industry since 1996.
General Liability Insurance for General Contractors
General Contractor Insurance in its “generic” form provides these standard basic coverage. The list of items listed below is not intended to be the “actual” coverage that all policies will contain as each policy has its own unique coverage, endorsements, exclusions terms and conditions. In general this is what is covered:
- Bodily Injury
- Property Damage
- Advertising Injury
- Fire Damage
- Medical
The requirements placed upon the General Contractor are generally “his/her” own but this often changes when the general contractor starts to bid on projects for “other project owners” or municipalities. The need to carefully discuss your risk management is vital.
Risk management takes into consideration all project insurance requirements prior to the commencement of obtaining insurance quotes. Then, if any new projects are contemplated it is vital that the General contractor carefully review the indemnity agreements within any new construction projects and convey those requirements to our brokers so that they can evaluate how the new project insurance requirements will be met.
In addition, surety / bonding are required. And although not part of a general liability insurance policy we can assist you with quality bond rates and services. Contact us now
General Liability Insurance for Artisan Contractors
Artisan Contractors or Specialty Contractors need general liability insurance to protect their assets and to satisfy the requirements of the general contractors or the home owners. Our artisan & specialty contractor general liability policies are the most competitive in the industry.
The insurance quoting process for the Artisan is primarily divided into two major categories.
- Artisans that provide 100% of their services to one class of operations
- Artisans that provide a variety of services in different classes of operations
An example of an Artisan that provides 100% of their services in one class of operations is a “landscaper.” An example of an Artisan that may have mixed classes of operations is that of a remodeling contractor.
Important! Please make a note to yourself! You may not operate outside of your listed classes of operation and be covered. Here is an example of operation out of your class:
Hypothetical example 1. – A residential gutter contractor declares 100% of his work in installing rain gutters and declares that he/she does not do “any roofing” when in fact they do in some instances. If a claim were to come in regarding damage to the roof the carrier would deny coverage.
Hypothetical example 2. – A roofing contractor declares 100% residential operations and then decides to work on a commercial project (without adding on the commercial roofing endorsement) There is a severe rain and water enters into the building causing damage to the tenants machinery. Claim is denied because the class of commercial roofing was not included in the declared operations.
The moral to the story is that you either stay within your declared class of operations or make sure that your policy has the class of operations listed. This is a topic of discussion for the person that wants to say.. “oh maybe once in a while I may but no now”… In example #2 above the roofing contractor had to write a check for a substantial sum out of their own bank account.
Insurance for New Ventures
We accept new ventures. When we do accept new ventures it is vital that we have your full cooperation and attention. We are looking for relationships that will last many decades. Your success is our success and time is a valuable asset.
We will dedicate our time to educate you and explain to you the nuances of risk and insurance. You have our guarantee that we will do our best to communicate with you whenever you need us. In return we ask you to work with us in times of necessity such as in being cooperative in answering all of our underwriting questions, returning calls and questionnaires.
Also, to carefully review and submit to us any written document regarding a need for an Additional Insured Certificate “prior” to accepting any contract unless you are 100% sure that the insurance you purchased will meet the requirements for the project. There could be “wording” in the “indemnity” part of the contract that requires special endorsements to your policy and they could be costly. If you take on the project and try to add the endorsements later there will be problems.
Insurance Types
- General Liability
- Workers Compensation
- Bonds / Surety
- Commercial Auto
- Builders Risk
- Inland Marine/Equipment
Construction Insurance Services
- Review of Contract “indemnity” agreements – no charge if an existing client
- Issuance of Certificates – no charge if not an AI Cert
- Issuance of Certificates with special endorsements
- Review and issuance of Additional Insured Certificates
- Renewal of Additional Insured Certificates – discounted over 50%
Insurance Service provided by Athena Insurance and Financial Services.
CA Broker #0588228 | National #2709340
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